Business leaders on growth: Mark Mills on running versus funding your business
Dec 19, 2017 / Ambition Nation Media
"With regards to funding, that's a whole new area to most entrepreneurs."
Speaking to finnCap at our Ambition Nation conference in Manchester, Mark Mills, Non-executive Chairman of Velocity Composites - a company finnCap advised with its IPO and associated fund raising earlier in 2017 - explained a fundamental barrier to growth that most scale-up companies will face: that the skills required to run a business are very different from those one needs to fund and fund raise for a business. But, with the right advice and listening to the experiences and stories of other entrepreneurs that have been in your position before, entrepreneurs can see ways forward in their growth journey.
Reflecting on the investment landscape of the UK North West, Mark says that these kinds of barriers to growth - i.e. not knowing where to find impartial financial advice or being unfamiliar with the array of funding options available to business leaders - could be hampering the Manchester region's can-do attitude to scale-up. More programmes like Ambition Nation could help inspire CEOs to approach funding like they would any typical business problem.
Watch the interview below.