Preparing for Change

Aug 17, 2017 / Ambition Nation Media

Earlier this year, finnCap convened 150 investors, advisors and business leaders to discuss access to funding for growing businesses. The conversation focused on demystifying the IPO process and sharing advice from Alternative Investment Market-listed businesses to those accelerating their own investment journeys.

As banks continue to reduce SME lending – at a rate of £100m a month – startups and scaleups might seem to face difficulties in their quest for capital. Yet, these are the businesses who also present the biggest opportunity to savvy investors.

The investment landscape means the UK continues to provide fertile ground for ambitious entrepreneurs. However, enabling continued growth for scaling businesses is a prime challenge, one often described and decried as the UK’s ‘scale up gap’.

“The UK continues to provide fertile ground for ambitious entrepreneurs”
These factors have combined to make public markets an increasingly attractive option for fast-growth businesses. With that in mind, AIM High: The IPO Summit questioned, how do you prepare for an IPO?

For the full report, please click here.