Confirmed and expected announcements from the Cavendish tech universe.
Cavendish corporate clients are bold and underlined.
Please note that unconfirmed dates are based on historic data, adjusted to the same weekday within a week of that date.
This calendar is updated regularly. For additions and adjustments please contact
This month |
14/10/24 | 1Spatial Holdings plc | 1Spatial Holdings plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
14/10/24 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc FY24 Trading Update | |
14/10/24 | Seeing Machines Limited | Seeing Machines Limited FY24 Results | |
15/10/24 | Audioboom Group PLC | Audioboom Group plc 3Q24 Trading Update | Confirmed |
15/10/24 | Bytes Technology Group plc | Bytes Technology Group plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
15/10/24 | Nanoco Group PLC | Nanoco Group PLC FY24 Results | |
16/10/24 | ActiveOps plc | ActiveOps plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
16/10/24 | Ensilica plc | Ensilica plc FY24 Results | |
16/10/24 | Feedback plc | Feedback plc FY24 Results | |
16/10/24 | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc 1H24 Results | |
16/10/24 | Thruvision Group plc | Thruvision Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
17/10/24 | Crossword Cybersecurity plc | Crossword Cybersecurity plc 1H24 Results | |
17/10/24 | CyanConnode Holdings plc | CyanConnode Holdings plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
17/10/24 | GB Group plc | GB Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
17/10/24 | Watchstone Group plc | Watchstone Group plc 1H24 Results | |
22/10/24 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc FY24 Results | |
22/10/24 | Alphawave IP Group plc | Alphawave IP Group plc 3Q24 Results | |
22/10/24 | Calnex Solutions Plc | Calnex Solutions Plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
22/10/24 | System1 Group plc | System1 Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
23/10/24 | RWS Holdings plc | RWS Holdings plc FY24 Trading Update | |
24/10/24 | Softcat plc | Softcat plc FY24 Results | Confirmed |
24/10/24 | Pinewood Technologies Group plc | Pinewood Technologies Group plc Capital Markets Day | Confirmed |
25/10/24 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC 1H25 Trading Update | |
25/10/24 | Altitude Group plc | Altitude Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
28/10/24 | Computacenter plc | Computacenter plc 3Q24 Trading Update | |
29/10/24 | CAP-XX Limited | Cap-xx Limited FY24 Results | Confirmed |
29/10/24 | Essensys plc | Essensys plc FY24 Results | |
29/10/24 | Rosslyn Data Technologies PLC | Rosslyn Data Technologies PLC FY24 Results | |
30/10/24 | SysGroup plc | SysGroup plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
30/10/24 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
31/10/24 | Filtronic plc | Filtronic plc FY24 AGM | Confirmed |
31/10/24 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc FY24 Results | |
31/10/24 | BATM Advanced Communications Ltd | BATM Advanced Communications Ltd FY23 AGM | |
31/10/24 | Made Tech Group plc | Made Tech Group plc FY24 AGM | |
Next month |
01/11/24 | Argo Blockchain Plc | Argo Blockchain plc Oct operational update | |
05/11/24 | dotDigital Group plc | dotDigital Group plc FY24 Results | |
05/11/24 | CloudCoCo plc | CloudCoCo plc FY24 Trading Update | |
05/11/24 | Induction Healthcare Group plc | Induction Healthcare Group plc 1H24 Results | |
06/11/24 | Merit Group plc | Merit Group plc 1H25 Results | |
11/11/24 | Team Internet Group plc | Team Internet Group plc 3Q24 Results | |
11/11/24 | Kainos Group plc | Kainos Group plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
12/11/24 | Argo Blockchain Plc | Argo Blockchain plc 3Q24 Results | |
12/11/24 | ActiveOps plc | ActiveOps plc 1H25 Results | |
12/11/24 | Alfa Financial Software Holdings plc | Alfa Financial Software Holdings plc 3Q24 Trading Update | |
12/11/24 | FD Technologies plc | FD Technologies plc 1H25 Results | |
12/11/24 | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc FY23 AGM | |
14/11/24 | Craneware plc | Craneware plc FY24 AGM | |
14/11/24 | Eagle Eye Solutions Group plc | Eagle Eye Solutions Group plc FY24 AGM | |
17/11/24 | SRT Marine Systems plc | SRT Marine Systems plc FY24 AGM | |
18/11/24 | Cerillion plc | Cerillion plc FY24 Results | |
18/11/24 | Thruvision Group plc | Thruvision Group plc 1H25 Results | |
19/11/24 | Fonix plc | Fonix plc FY24 AGM | Confirmed |
19/11/24 | Calnex Solutions Plc | Calnex Solutions Plc 1H25 Results | |
19/11/24 | Eckoh plc | Eckoh plc 1H25 Results | |
20/11/24 | Redcentric Plc | Redcentric plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
20/11/24 | Tracsis plc | Tracsis plc FY24 Results | Confirmed |
20/11/24 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY24 Results | |
20/11/24 | Idox plc | Idox plc FY24 Trading Update | |
20/11/24 | Shearwater Group plc | Shearwater Group plc 1H25 Results | |
20/11/24 | The Pebble Group plc | The Pebble Group plc FY24 Trading Update | |
21/11/24 | Feedback plc | Feedback plc FY24 AGM | |
21/11/24 | Rosslyn Data Technologies PLC | Rosslyn Data Technologies PLC FY24 AGM | |
21/11/24 | Trakm8 Holdings plc | Trakm8 Holdings plc 1H25 Results | |
25/11/24 | SysGroup plc | SysGroup plc 1H25 Results | |
26/11/24 | Crimson Tide Plc | Crimson Tide Plc FY24 Trading Update | |
26/11/24 | Intercede Group plc | Intercede Group plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
26/11/24 | Altitude Group plc | Altitude Group plc 1H25 Results | |
26/11/24 | Crossword Cybersecurity plc | Crossword Cybersecurity plc FY24 Trading Update | |
26/11/24 | Ensilica plc | Ensilica plc FY24 AGM & 1H24 Trading Update | |
26/11/24 | Focusrite plc | Focusrite plc FY24 Results | |
26/11/24 | GB Group plc | GB Group plc 1H25 Results | |
26/11/24 | Mercia Asset Management plc | Mercia Asset Management plc 1H25 Results | |
26/11/24 | Softcat plc | Softcat plc 1Q25 Trading Update | |
26/11/24 | Telecom Plus plc | Telecom Plus plc 1H25 Results | Confirmed |
26/11/24 | Journeo plc | Journeo plc FY24 Trading Update | |
27/11/24 | Auction Technology Group PLC | Auction Technology Group PLC FY24 Results | Confirmed |
27/11/24 | Seeing Machines Limited | Seeing Machines Limited FY24 AGM | |
28/11/24 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc FY24 AGM | |
28/11/24 | NCC Group plc | NCC Group plc FY24 AGM | |
28/11/24 | ZOO Digital Group plc | ZOO Digital Group plc 1H25 Results | |
December |
03/12/24 | Celebrus Technologies PLC | Celebrus Technologies PLC 1H25 Results | |
03/12/24 | iomart Group plc | iomart Group plc 1H25 Results | |
03/12/24 | CML Microsystems plc | CML Microsystems plc 1H25 Results | |
03/12/24 | Ethernity Networks Ltd | Ethernity Networks Ltd FY24 Trading Update | |
03/12/24 | Oxford Metrics plc | Oxford Metrics plc FY24 Results | Confirmed |
03/12/24 | TPXimpact Holdings plc | TPXimpact Holdings plc 1H25 Results | |
04/12/24 | System1 Group plc | System1 Group plc 1H25 Results | |
05/12/24 | Aferian plc | Aferian plc FY24 Trading Update | |
05/12/24 | Essensys plc | Essensys plc FY24 AGM | |
05/12/24 | Nanoco Group PLC | Nanoco Group PLC FY24 AGM & Trading Update | |
09/12/24 | Windward Ltd | Windward Ltd FY25 Trading Update | |
10/12/24 | PCI-PAL PLC | PCI-PAL plc FY24 AGM | |
10/12/24 | NCC Group plc | NCC Group plc FY24 Results (16M to Sept) | Confirmed |
10/12/24 | RWS Holdings plc | RWS Holdings plc FY24 Results | |
10/12/24 | Vianet Group plc | Vianet Group plc 1H25 Results | |
10/12/24 | Narf Industries plc | Narf Industries plc 1H25 Results | |
11/12/24 | Softcat plc | Softcat plc FY24 AGM | |
12/12/24 | RM plc | RM plc FY24 Trading Update | |
13/12/24 | XLMedia Plc | XLMedia Plc FY24 Trading Update | |
16/12/24 | Zytronic plc | Zytronic plc FY24 Trading Update | |
17/12/24 | i-nexus Global plc | i-nexus Global plc FY24 Results | |
17/12/24 | Netcall plc | Netcall plc FY24 AGM | |
18/12/24 | K3 Business Technology Group PLC | K3 Business Technology Group plc FY24 Trading Update | |
18/12/24 | Corero Network Security plc | Corero Network Security plc FY24 Pre-Close Trading Update | |
19/12/24 | Beeks Financial Cloud Group plc | Beeks Financial Cloud Group plc FY24 AGM | |
19/12/24 | Gfinity plc | Gfinity plc FY24 AGM | |
23/12/24 | Nexxen International Ltd. | Nexxen International Ltd. FY23 AGM | |
23/12/24 | Accesso Technology Group plc | Accesso Technology Group plc FY24 Trading Update | |
25/12/24 | IQE plc | IQE plc FY24 Trading Update | |
25/12/24 | Made Tech Group plc | Made Tech Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
26/12/24 | Cordel Group PLC | Cordel Group plc 1H25 Trading Update | |
26/12/24 | Mobile Streams plc | Mobile Streams plc FY24 Results | |
26/12/24 | Triad Group plc | Triad Group plc 1H25 Results | |
27/12/24 | CyanConnode Holdings plc | CyanConnode Holdings plc 1H25 Results | |
27/12/24 | Gfinity plc | Gfinity plc FY24 Results | |
27/12/24 | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc | t42 IoT Tracking Solutions plc FY24 Trading Update | |
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